How to Reduce Exam Stress? Do 5 Simple Yoga Poses to Reduce Exam’s Stress

5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Exam's Stress.

Exam-time is very important time for students and parents.Every parent is concerned about performance and mental health of their child.Parents go through a mental pressure during this period which causes stress, anxiety ,performance pressure,depression and ultimately all these conditions are being transferred to kids knowingly or unknowingly.So it is very important to relieve stress during this period . So along with balanced diet , we can use yoga exercises to relieve stress generated due to exams.

Below are some useful yoga poses which shall help students & parents to relieve exam’s stress. 

1.Engle Pose (GARUDASANA) – This yoga pose helps to relieve tension from shoulder , back & neck.

2.Child’s Pose (BALASANA) – This yoga pose helps to relieve tension from back very gently.

3.Corpse Pose (SHAVASANA) – This pose streamlines blood flow/pressure in body and helps to quiet breathing.

4.Triangle Pose (TRIKONASANA) – This pose helps in in full body stretch and also improves digestion.

4.Tree Pose (VRIKSASANA) –This pose improves posture & also helps in toning muscles.

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