Privacy Policy



These Terms & Conditions (“Terms”) of (a) use of our website (“Website”), our applications (“Application”) or any products or services in connection with the Application/, Website/products (“Services”) or (b) any modes of registrations or usage of products, including through SD cards, tablets or other storage/transmitting device are between Think & Learn Private Limited (“Company/We/Us/Our”) and its users (“User/You/Your”).

These Terms constitute an electronic record in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 there under, as amended from time to time.


Please read the Terms and the privacy policy of the Company (“Privacy Policy”) with respect to registration with us, the use of the Application, Website, Services and products carefully before using the Application, Website, Services or products. In the event of any discrepancy between the Terms and any other policies with respect to the Application or Website or Services or products, the provisions of the Terms shall prevail.


Your use/access/browsing of the Application or Website or the Services or products or registration (with or without payment/with or without subscription) through any means shall signify your acceptance of the Terms and Your agreement to be legally bound by the same.


If you do not agree with the Terms or the Privacy Policy, please do not use the Application or Website or avail the Services or products. Any access to our Services/Application/products through registrations/subscription is nontransferable.




1.     Except as mentioned below, all information, content, material, trademarks, services marks, trade names, and trade secrets including but not limited to the software, text, images, graphics, video, script and audio, contained in the Application, Website, Services and products are proprietary property of the Company (“Proprietary Information”). No Proprietary Information may be copied, downloaded, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without obtaining prior written permission from the Company and nothing on this Application or Website or Services shall be or products deemed to confer a license of or any other right, interest or title to or


in any of the intellectual property rights belonging to the Company, to the User. You may own the medium on which the information, content or materials resides, but the Company shall at all times retain full and complete title to the information, content or materials and all intellectual property rights inserted by the Company on such medium. Certain contents on the Website may belong to third parties. Such contents have been reproduced after taking prior consent from said party and all rights relating to such content will remain with such third party. Further, you recognize and acknoweldge that the ownership of all trademarks, copyright, logos, service marks and other intellectual property owned by any third party shall continue to vest with such party and You are not permitted to use the same without the consent of the respective third party.




2.     By submitting content on or through the Services (your “Material”), you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Material in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed) and to associate your Material with you, except as described below. You agree that others may use Your Material in the same way as any other content available through the Services. Other users of the Services may fork, tweak and repurpose your Material in accordance with these Terms. If you delete your user account your Material and name may remain available through the Services






CHILD    SAFETY   CODE    OF    CONDUCT    Expected    Behavior    and    Actions    of Teacher/Creators.


1. Listen to the child and, their views and opinions 2.Have a non-judgmental attitude


3. Treat every child with empathy and respect regardless of his/her race, colour, gender, sexuality, religion, language, heritage, religious belief, social origin, or any point that discriminated a child


4. Use appropriate language, behaviors while interacting with the child


5. Use appropriate language, behaviors in any online medium used by the organization to communicate or engage with children


6. Create an environment that enables children to share and express freely


7. Always take permission and written consent from guardian before taking photos or videos of a child


8. Keep all personal information of children, their parents and guardians confidential and secure, such information shall only be shared with authorized individuals


9. The live online classes and the content, including but not limited to audio visual content is age appropriate and culturally appropriate


2.     Prohibited Behaviors and Actions


1. Do not develop, induce or support any emotional, online/offline physical abuse or sexual relationship with children in any way


2. Do not use or encourage the use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other intoxicating substance in any of your interaction with children


3. Do not develop any form of relationship or arrangement with children including but not limited to financial, which could be deemed to be exploitative or abusive


4. Do not share with or show children online/offline any inappropriate content including pornographic material or material that encourages crime, violence, racism, sexism, self- harm, suicide, cruelty


5. Do not use language or behavior towards children that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning, intimidating, discriminatory, or culturally insensitive


In instances and circumstances where 4MINDS SOLUTIONS. may not have required control over the person alleged of any concern under this policy, including an instance of child abuse, 4MINDS SOLUTIONS  shall provide the required cooperation, assistance and support to such parent or guardian of the affected child, in approaching any external, legal mechanism including the Police and/or the Courts, though 4MINDS SOLUTIONS. is itself not personally liable in such instances.






Your use of our products, Website, Application and Services is solely for Your personal and non-commercial use. Any use of the Application, Website, Services or products or their contents other than for personal purposes is prohibited. Your personal and non-commercial use of this Application, Website, products and / or our Services shall be subjected to the following restrictions:


i. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the contents of the Application and

/ or our Website and/or Services/ products or modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the Application and / or our Website and/or Services/products, or remove any copyright, trademark registration, or other proprietary notices from the contents of the Application and / or and / or our Website and/or Services/products.

ii.  You will not (a) use this Application and / or our Website and/or any of our product/s or Service/s for commercial purposes of any kind, or (b) advertise or sell the Application or any products, Services or domain names or otherwise (whether or not for profit), or solicit others (including, without limitation, solicitations for contributions or donations) or use any public


forum for commercial purposes of any kind, or (c) use the Application and / or Website/our products and Services in any way that is unlawful, or harms the Company or any other person or entity as determined by the Company.

iii.   The user асknоwledge that the cоmраny is nоt the mаnufасturer оf the соntent оn the website оr аррliсаtiоn аnd shall nоt be liаble fоr аny reрerсussiоns fоr the соntent.






1.     Have a non-judgmental attitude

2.     Treat every student/creator with empathy and respect regardless of his/her race, colour, gender, sexuality, religion, language, heritage, religious belief, social origin, or any point that discriminated any student.

3.     Use appropriate language, behaviors during interactions.

4.     Use appropriate language, behaviors in any online medium used by the organization to communicate or engage.


Failure to comply with the above terms shall result into immediate termination of the user account, without any refunds.






We offer a full money back guarantee for a subscription of course if you are not satisfied with it. You can get back your money after deductions of  delivered classes along with taxes/compliance costs.


You are eligible for full refunds for subscribed course (after deduction of taxes/compliance cost) if you apply for cancellation of course within same date after attending first online class.


After the date of attending first online class, you shall not be eligible to receive any refunds. We always encourage our clients to try online course within date of first online course to ensure if it suits to your learning needs.


Note: All refunds will be processed within 30 days of approval and validation of refund request.


For any further information contact us at:


·         Our website:


·       E-mail:


·       Phone number: (+91) 97171 70924

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