How to Prepare for Exams ?8 Tips to Prepare for Exams Effectively | idutor

8 Key Tips to Prepare for Exams Effectively

There is a proven study if we spend good time on effective planning and preparation, execution shall be very effective.

In the present scenario, peer pressure is very high for students. Each parent is concerned about the performance of their child and knowingly/ unknowingly they directly pass it on to their child. Both parents & students are stressed enough to lose their mental & physical health, this not only deteriorates mental health but the physical health also. Stress during exams is very common. Here are tips for “How to reduce stress during exam days“.

These simple tips to prepare for exams shall help parents & students reduce stress levels and shall enhance the performance of students with effective preparation.

Below are 7 tips to prepare for exams effectively –

1. Organize Well Your Study Room – 

A study by the Princeton University, NeuroScience Institute, un-organized space makes it difficult to focus on study. It also creates anxiety and stress which can impact the overall performance of students. An organized space plays an important role to keep you focused in preparation for study. It makes you more organized in your study as well if you keep your study room organized. Try to make its way of life. Keeping an organized study space will students to keep focused on their studies.

2. Exercise Well & Eat Healthy Food –

 Sound mind in a sound body. Stress & anxiety reduce oxygen flow in mind so it important to do physical exercise in the morning and at a regular intervals during study. Also eat healthy food which shall give nutrition to your body and shall keep your body active. Avoid heavy diet and fast food.

3.Plan you Day Well-

Planning is an important prerequisite of any execution.Make an effective time schedule as per your load and available time. Try to stick to the planned time schedule.Never forget to keep breaks at a regular intervals.

4.Start Your Preparation as Early as Possible-

Time is very precious and it is important not to waste it when your exam date sheet is announced. Start your exam preparations as early as possible.This shall help you to cover maximum syllabus and will give you ample time for revision just before the exam day. This is also keep you calm and composed if you have completed and prepared your subject well on time.

5 Make Notes of Important Points –

Making notes helps you in many ways . It keeps you awakened and active during reading any subject. Learning becomes more effective when you make notes and it also help you during quick revision of important points of a subject. You also practice tips “How to remember and recall the read out stuff“.

6. Practice/Solve Old Question Papers-

It is very important to test your preparation level. The best way is you can solve old question papers . You can also practice FREE Mock Tests and download FREE Ncert Notes PDF here.

7. Form a Small Study Groups-

Companionship is always better than a loneliness.It helps to break the monotony of study alone. Groups help you to clear certain doubts about any topic by sharing gained knowledge.But keep in mind you have to avoid discussion on unrelated topics and also avoid distracting from your personalised learning pattern.

8. Join Doubt Classes –

 Doubt classes always help you to clear your doubts about any subject like maths, physics and chemistry.You can join idutor doubt classes . idutor doubt classes are best doubt classes.

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