Parents Should Never do These 4 Things in Front of Children

Parents Should Never do These 4 Things in Front of Kids

There is a major concern in present scenario that kids are mimicking parents and trying to copy the all behavior aspects which parents are doing knowingly or unknowingly. Hence it is important for parents to keep watch of their actions in front of kids. This article suggests parents not to do 4 things in front of their kids.

Below are 4 Things which parents should never do in front of their ward-

1. Do not do comparison – 

Parents always want their child should outperform in all fields of competition. We all put them under hard pressure to perform in all situations irrespective of their capabilities. This can lead to disappointment and depression in children when they fail. Parents should never do comparison of their kid with others. Parents must praise them for their small accomplishments.

2. Making fun and teasing them in front of others –

 Making fun of kids and teasing them in front of guest/others may sounds funny to you but it hurts emotions of kids a lot. It creates lot of negativity  in their mind and eventually they become less expressive. So give them equal respect and treat them well in from of others. This will help to boost confidence in children.

3.Fighting with your partner in front of kids-

When two persons live together under one roof it is obvious to have a point of disagreement & it may get converted into heated argument. We must try to avoid such situation in front of kids. This gives an impression of negative parenting on the mind of kids. We must try to resolve point of disagreement behind the closed doors or may be can go out for a cup of coffee to resolve same.

4.Making sarcastic comments all the time-

Sarcasm and comparison are complementary to each other. Parents always do sarcastic comments on their kids while doing comparison with other kids. This makes kids less responsible and creates an negative impact on their mental growth. It makes them to believe that they have less capabilities and can not perform well.

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